Revolutionise your Rendering with Vectorworks & Twinmotion
Revolutionise Your Rendering With Vectorworks & Twinmotion
Join Jonathan Reeves, UK architect, and real-time rendering expert to learn how easy it is to upgrade your presentations with renderings, animations, and interactive cloud presentations.
Understand how Vectorworks 3D models can be developed and exported to Twinmotion and easily updated.
Learn how to refine textures and lighting to produce photo-realistic renderings.
Add context with landscape, plantings, entourage to produce high-quality animations.
Share renderings, animations, and interactive presentations with clients with Presenter
Buy Twinmotion for only £350 with 15% off and £175 Free Extras
Revolutionise Your Rendering With Vectorworks & Twinmotion Timeline
00:00 Introduction by Jonathan Reeves
06:10 Sneak Preview of my new Twinmotion book
08:25 Vectorworks demonstration project for an Eco Home
12:40 How to export from Vectorworks to Twinmotion
14:45 Introduction to Twinmotion
17:00 Changing