Product configuration: RT01-T-3-HV1-02(89)-HD10b13-BT4②③R④⑤G-[W100L-HV1]-M4-RS232
RT01: RunnTech 01 series cobra-head joystick;
T: mechanical spring return to center;
3: XY axis full direction free movement;
HV1: input 5Vdc, output: 0~2.5~5Vdc;
02: 2 normally open contacts in X/Y axis;
89: contacts closed at -32° to -3° or 3° to 32°;
HD10b13: grip backside with 1 momentary trigger;
BT4②③R④⑤G: grip top with 4 pushbuttons;
W100L-HV1: Z axis with 0~2.5~5Vdc output thumbwheel.
M4: mounting dimension 64x64mm, central hole: 83mm.
RS232: RS232 connection interface.