Hidden Soviet UFO Case Revealed: LATVIAN PYRAMID UAP INCIDENT OF 1968🛸

#uap #ufo #pyramidufo #mysteries 🛸I hope you are ready to dive into another UAP/UFO story. This one comes from my home country Latvia 🛸 The story of pyramid UFO from 1968 over Latvia has become more popular quite recently in the light of whats happening in the US government, however it was already well known among UFO enthusiasts for many years. Why is it so important now? Well, firstly, this proves that pyramid shaped UAPs have been around for a longer period than we thought, secondly, this story shows that Russia and USSR have also been always very much interested in these UAP cases. I hope you like this video and let me know in the comments hat you think about this case. Don’t be shy to subscribe, if you haven’t already! Here are some other things you might like on my channel: - Mysteries from around the world: - UFO and Paranormal from Scandinavia:
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