【TNO/MD/OTL Custorm Superevents:The Second Chinese Civil War】TNO/MD/OTL同人超事件:第二次中国内战

Background: Chinese people’s dissatisfaction with strict epidemic prevention policies and harsh social phenomena led to the White Paper Movement, which led to large-scale social unrest since 1989. With the rise of various forces, this unrest then turned into civil war. 背景:中国人民因为不满严厉的防疫政策和苛刻的社会现象,从而引发了白纸运动,导致了自1989年以来的大规模社会动乱,随着各地势力不断抬头,这场动乱随即演变成了内战。 00:05 - 敌众-十面埋伏 00:46 - 你可听见人民的&
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