丸底は手縫いで簡単に💕The round bottom is easy to sew by hand. 💕
The round bottom, which is difficult to sew with a sewing machine, can be sewn by hand without any mistakes. ヽ(^o^)
It’s a pouch that can be easily made with an easy zipper.
El fondo redondo, que es difícil de coser con una máquina de coser, se puede coser a mano sin errores. ヽ(^o^)
Es una bolsa que se puede hacer fácilmente con una cremallera fácil.
O fundo redondo, difícil de costurar na máquina de costura, pode ser costurado à mão sem erros. ヽ(^o^)
É uma bolsa que po
2 years ago 00:10:16 3
丸底は手縫いで簡単に💕The round bottom is easy to sew by hand. 💕
4 years ago 00:12:24 1
丸底巾着バッグ☆面倒な丸底も手縫いなら◎ The troublesome round bottom back can be easily sewn by hand.
3 years ago 00:13:38 8
手縫いでファスナーを取り付けた簡単丸型ミニポーチ Simple round mini pouch with a zipper attached by hand sewing
4 years ago 00:10:07 2
ファスナー付けが簡単な丸底ポーチ🍭Round bottom pouch with easy zipper 🍭