💀 MONO BLACK ORZHOV DEVOTION | The New Direction For Devotion! 【 MTG Modern 】

Today we are checking out a Mono Black Orzhov deck that user KillaGerm took to a 5-0 finish in an MTGO Modern League. Yes you heard that right. Mono Black Orzhov. It’s a Mono Black Devotion deck that’s splashing White for Kaya Orzhov Usurper, Path to Exile, Lingering Souls, and some good sideboard cards. This is actually looking like the direction Mono Black Devotion wants to go. There’s certain things Mono Black decks can’t answer, so dipping into other colors to patch up all those weaknesses sounds like a good idea to me. 📄 Decklist (TCGplayer) ➤ ⭐️ ManaTraders (Code MerynMoon to save 15%) ➤ 🧡 Patreon ➤ 📺 Twitch ➤ 🐤 MTG Twitter ➤ 🐤 Personal Twitter ➤
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