ĽH Pokošovci - World Music Festival Bratislava 2019
Live full concert, , DK Zrkadlový Háj, Bratislava
Folk Bánd Pokošovci from Šumiac is currently one of the most popular Roma groups of Horehronie. At our festival, this group will play with the visiting violinist and singer Jana Ambrózová. The group will also introduce their new CD here.
Today´s band consists of the third generation of musicians – three brothers Miroslav (first violin), Radoslav (kontra) and Stanislav Pokoš (double bass). The set is complemented by their cousin Vladimír (kontra) and accordionist Július Markuš from Polomka. The Pokoš family come from the village of Šumiac, but they are also related to the famous music families Pokoš and Harvan from Telgárt.
Ľudová hudba Pokošovci je zoskupením talentovaných hudobníkov z horehronskej obce Šumiac. Skupina je známa udržiavaním špecifickej tradičnej interpretácie. Okrem dynamického herného prejavu ich zdobí aj pôsobivý viachlasný spev v špecifickom prevedení, typickom jednak pre reg
4 years ago 01:20:54 7
ĽH Pokošovci - World Music Festival Bratislava 2019