Hemorrhoids - Laser hemorrhoidoplasty (LHP) + manual dearterialization & mucopexy

Chronic hemorrhoids - Laser hemorrhoidoplasty (LHP) manual hemorrhoid artery ligation (M-HAL) mucopexy (rectoanal repair - RAR) (2011) Manual hemorrhoidal dearterialization (M-HAL) - method for determining finger arteries pulsation and mucosa suturing under finger control (as opposed to doppler-controlled dearterialization) Belarusian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education (BelMAPE), Minsk City Center for Outpatient and Minimally Invasive Surgery - 11th State Clinical Hospital in Minsk, Belarus: Gain Yuri Mikhailovich (Gain Yu.M./Gain Y.M), Doctor of Science, Professor, Vice-Rector for Scientific Work of BelMAPE ORCID: 0000-0001-7622-5642 Scopus Author ID: 55916405500 Shakhrai Sergei Vladimirovich (Shakrai S.V.), Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor of the Surgical Department (Leadership Course in Outpatient and Minimally Invasive Surgery) BelMAPE ORCID: 0000-0002-9423-9535 Scopus Author ID: 55681313700 Gain Mikhail Yurievich (Gain M.I./Gain ), Ph.D.,
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