Loose Seton Placement in Fistula in ano with recurrent paraproctitis.

Loose rubber seton - placement in the anal fistula with recurrent paraproctitis. A piece of loose rubber seton used in a treatment for anal fistula that passes through a significant portion of anal sphincter muscle. The most common type of surgery for intrasphincteric anal fistulas is a fistulotomy, that involves cutting along the whole length of the fistula to open it up, so it heals as a flat scar. It is the most effective treatment for many anal fistulas except for fistulas that pass through much of the sphincter muscles (high transsphincteric and extrasphincteric fistulas). Because damaging the sphincter muscles can lead to bowel incontinence (loss of bowel control). RUS: Свободный резиновый сетон - введение в свищевой ход при рецидивирующем парапроктите. Свободный сетон, используемый при лечении высоких свищей прямой кишки, при котором свищевой ход проходит через значительную часть мышцы анального сфинктера. Наиболее распространенным типом операции при интрасфинкт
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