How To Make Castella Custard Pudding Caramel Cake Recipe [ASMR]
カステラ カスタードプリン キャラメルケーキ レシピ・ の作り方 [Eating sound]
¿Se volvera tu receta favorita? Descubre este Flan Japones con Castella
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●● Recipe (レシピ):
- 100g Sugar
- 30ml Water
- 30ml Hot water
- 3 Eggs
- 3 Egg yolks
- 1Tsp Vanilla extract
- 600ml Milk
- 80g Sugar
- 2 Eggs
- 1/4Tsp Lemon juice
- 50g Sugar
- 50g Cake flour
- 10ml Milk
- 10g Cooking oil
- Hot water
- Bake at 150℃ for 50 minutes
(150℃ - 50分焼く)
- Refrigerate for 3 hours
#ASMR #OhNino #NinosHome #Pudding
All the recipes and dishes I have made are referenced and learned on the internet, youtube, google... I’m not the first to make them, not the first to create a certain dish. . I just change the ingredients to make the dish suit my taste. And I just hope my video has an easy way to communicate so that you can successfully make the dishes that you like. If anything bothers you, I sincerely apologize.
And the last thing I am not a professional chef. I’m just a normal person, thank you.
1. 카스테라 커스터드 푸딩 캐러멜 케이크 레시피
2. Gato Flan siêu ngon mà dễ ơi là dễ luôn nèeee
3. Resep Kue Puding Karamel Castella Custard
4. คัสตาร์ดพุดดิ้งเค้ก Custard Pudding Cake
5. 水晶焦糖布丁蛋糕 詳細步驟教學 附失敗原因整理
6. कैरमेल कस्टर्ड की रेसिपी - Easy Caramel Custard Pudding Recipe
7. أكواب كاستيلا كيك إختراع بالكريم كراميل هاتنبهرو من النتيجه والطعم الرهيب
8. Castella Muhallebi Puding Karamelli Kek Tarifi
1 view
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