Let no man steal your thyme

Traditional British and Irish folk Ballad Arrangement: Jean-Christophe Rosaz Young Choir of Lyon Conservatory (France) conductor Xavier Olagne Publishing: la sinfonie d’orphée commissioned by Cépravoi / premiere May 21 Chapelle des rédemptoristes Festival de la Voix de Châteauroux. --- Come all you fair and tender girls That flourish in your prime Beware, beware Keep your garden fair Let no man steal your thyme Let no man steal your thyme. For when your thyme it is past and gone He’ll care no more for you And every place where your thyme was waste Will all spread o’er with rue Will all spread o’er with rue. The gardener’s son was standing by Three flowers he gave to me The pink, the blue, and the violet true And the red, red rosy tree And the red, red rosy tree. But I refused the red rose bush And gained the willow tree That all the
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