Conker’s Bad Fur Day Longplay [720P]

Conker’s Bad Fur Day Longplay Important Information: You can jump higher after you crouch (Z) and then jump You need to collect money you need 1000 $ (3:08:28) and 2100 $ (4:44:29) What I think about this game: Well it is a tech demo for N64, it shows off how powerful N64 actually was, and It is a good game, of course you should overlook this games obsession with excrements, who ever thought this was a good idea needs mental help. Well all that is good but what do I really think about this game, Well I think it is a good game, BUT I HATE IT!!!! I hate the main character!!! I hate the toilet humor I honestly didn’t thought this game was trying to be funny, but according to wikipedia the developers intended it to be. The only funny situation in this game is when you meet the gargoyle in the beginning of the game. Other then that i were dying inside. Begging god to end this game. This game doesn’t have a story, it has
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