絢爛夕陽映照高雄港 | 星光水岸碼頭的黃昏盛宴 - SparkRoams慢跑紀實

跟隨SparkRoams的腳步,欣賞高雄港口的醉人夕陽!在這段慢跑紀實中,我們將帶您領略星光水岸碼頭的迷人黃昏景致。 Join SparkRoams on a jogging journey to witness the mesmerizing sunset at Kaohsiung Harbor! In this running chronicle, we’ll take you through the enchanting twilight views of Starlight Pier. 本集亮點 | Highlights: 🌅 高雄港口絢麗的日落美景 | Spectacular sunset views over Kaohsiung Harbor 🚢 港口船隻在夕陽下的剪影 | Silhouettes of harbor vessels against the setting sun 🌉 星光水岸碼頭
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