🇬🇷 Modern SPARTA today. Town, Leonidas, Mystras, Greece.

This is MODERN Sparta, Greece as it is today. Should you visit and what is it like? What is the history of Sparta? What happened to the Spartans? Sparta is also next to the UNESCO World Heritage Site of Mystras, what is this place should you visit? This is the perfect day trip from Athens, or day in the Peloponnese. Sparta is of course famous as a warrior nation of ancient Greek history, with King Leonidas, and the 300 warriors who took on the Persian army at Thermopylae. But what happened to the Spartans after this? where are they now? and what is modern day Sparta like, and should you visit? Located approximately 2 hours from Athens in the Peloponnese Sparta is an easy drive, and should be visited if you are passing on the way perhaps to Kalamata, or the Mani Peninsula. If you wish to HIRE A CAR to Explore Greece I suggest you use a comparison site. Discovercars is ’Highly Rated’ by customers and offer car rental deals in Greece and beyond from many companies a
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