Последний Ямабуси фехтовальщик сэнсей Суеши Акэши/The last Yamabushi swordsman sensei Suyoshi Akeshi
about a warrior and a monk, an enlightened one and an ascetic of Shugendo. About the traditional school of martial arts preserved from ancient times. For everyone who loves tradition and old knowledge.
Akeshi Suyoshi was born in Japan in 1958.
At the age of 17 he began practicing Kyokushin karate.
And already at the age of 20, the roots and foundations of Oyama’s style led him to Chinese kungfu, which was taught at that time by the famous master and founder of Taikiken - Kenichi Sawai, who studied with the famous founder of Dachengquan Wang Xiangzhai in China.
and by the age of 24 he began to study the art that would become his passion - Battojutsu - a technique of working with a sword, stick and shuriken
Battojutsu practiced by Sueyoshi Akeshi has its origins in the ancient Kashima Shin Ryu, a sword school that originated in the 16th century.
Sensei Suyoshi Akeshi is a true monk of Yamabushi, the Japanese religion of Shugendo.
Sensei spent thousands of hours on pilgrimages to the mystical mountains of Japan and performed many dangerous climbs and rituals of Shugendo.
he is also a monk of Tendai Buddhism and Shingon Buddhism.
The master is a monk who has received the title Ajari, which translates as “enlightened one.”
During his training, he underwent many tests, including being buried alive in a hole underground for 10 days without food.
For 7 days he practiced fire practices and kundalini, zen and tantra, and repeated the mantra countless times.
In his own words, he meditated and his consciousness was visited by visions and worlds, and when he already thought that he would go crazy, he had an insight - satori and he became an enlightened person.
Akeshi said that he now understands what pure energy is, although he almost died from heart palpitations and lack of breathing
So he became a real monk of Yama Bushi, whom many call mountain samurai.
He said that his training in the secret practices of Buddhism consisted of several different periods of work, at the main temple of Shingon Buddhism and with the hermit masters of Shugendo.
He is also a master of acupressure and acupuncture.
In ancient systems, clans studied martial arts - sword, stick, spear, knife, shuriken, hand-to-hand combat, and everything was built on the same principles, the interconnection of all puzzles.
Another hobby of his is practicing with birds - falcon and golden eagle. The ability to work with birds is one of the ancient arts of warriors. It is not known who gave it to him.
Akeshi demonstrates his technique at lightning speed, and it is sometimes difficult to understand how he does it. until you see it, it’s in slow motion.
His favorite techniques are his Ina Zuma, which translates to lightning painting.
о воине и монахе, просветленном и подвижнике сюгендо. О сохранившейся с древних времен традиционной школе боевых искусств. Всем кто любит традицию и старые знания.
Акэши Суеши родился в Японии, в 1958 году.
В 17 лет он начал заниматься Киокушин каратэ.
И уже в 20 годам, корни и основы стиля Оямы привели его к китайскому кунгфу, которое преподавал в те времена известный мастер и основатель Тайкикен - Кеничи Саваи, который обучался у известного основателя Дачэнцюань Ван сянчжая в Китае.
а к 24 годам он начал изучать искусство, которое станет его страстью – Баттодзюцу – это техника работы с мечом, палкой и сюрикен
Баттодзюцу, практикуемое Суэеши Акэши берет свое начало в древней Кашима Шин Рю, школе меча, зародившейся в 16 веке.
Сэнсэй Суеши Акэши — настоящий монах Ямабуси, японской религии Сюгэндо.
Сэнсэй провел тысячи часов в паломничествах по мистическим горам Японии и совершил множество опасных восхождений и ритуалов Сюгэндо.
он также монах буддизма Тендай и буддизма Сингон.
Мастер - монах, получивший титул Аджари, что переводится как «просветленный».
В ходе своего обучения он прошел множество испытаний, в том числе и был вживую захоронен в яме под землей в течение 10 дней без еды.
В течение 7 дней он практиковал огненные практики и кундалини, дзен и тантру, повторял бесчисленное множество раз мантру.
По его собственным словам, он медитировал и его сознание посещали видения и миры и когда он уже думал, что сойдет с ума – его посетило озарение - сатори и он стал просветленным человеком.
Акеши говорил, что он теперь понимает, что такое чистая энергия, хотя едва не умер от сердцебиения и отсутствия дыхания
Так он стал настоящим монахом Яма Буши, которых многие называют горными самураями.
7 months ago 00:14:02 6
Последний Ямабуси фехтовальщик сэнсей Суеши Акэши/The last Yamabushi swordsman sensei Suyoshi Akeshi
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