The province has the highest antenatal human immune virus prevalence, 37.4%, in South Africa, according to the National Department of Health. Factors responsible for the high rate of HIV include poverty, sexual promiscuity, and the low status of women. The Zulu nation had a holistic view of life. Life was understood as a journey that each person had to travel on Earth. This journey begins at birth and ends at death, marked by different stages or phases: life at birth as a toddler through to childhood, puberty, adolescence, youth, adulthood, old age, and death. The society had an obligation to ensure that the social context was supportive to an individual person in his or her journey from stage to cultural practices, customs, and traditions of the society formed a regulatory system that assisted the individual to understand his or her journey and the various stages. Besides, they also assisted the individual to understand other people’s journeys in relation to his or her own journey as well as hi
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