A friend asked me how to use Prototype on Sony Vegas so HERE WE ARE! If you have any questions, PLEASE ASK! :D
Effects used:
Prototype Titler
Gradient Map
Composite Layers
Copy/Paste Event Tributes
Glow (For coloring on text)
Black & White
*I forgot to add a fade at 4:51 on the font-- I corrected this mistake at 7:00
*you can just copy the video clip instead of copying the layer at 5:16-- I had a coloring so I ended up just coping the layer instead.
*When in prototype titler, if you “navigate to child“ it will first go down to the first word if you have more than one word in your typography. If you want the effect on one letter, hit the “navigate to child“ button twice (if you have more than one word in your typography).
*When editing the text the toggle cascade makes it so all the letters do the same effects. The duration is the length in which all the tex
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