Miguel O’Hara | Spider-man 2099 Edit | SEQUÊNCIA DA DZ7 (FUNK BR)
Spiderman 2099, Spider-Man, Spider-Gwen, Across the Spiderverse, Spider-Man 2099, Spider-Man Spiderverse, Spiderverse, Vocal Pineapple Academia, Marvel, MCU, Miles Morales Miguel O’Hara leads an elite strike force that saves dimensions and has a watch that allows him to travel dimensions. Spider-Man 2099 introduces himself to Gwen and he explains how he’s been traveling the multiverse to clean up her mess after the end of the first film and the damage caused by Kingpin’s giant Collider. During the battle with Vulture in the beginning of the movie, Miguel almost EATS the villain as he opens his mouth wide and bares his fangs, because Miguel isn’t just SpiderMan, but he’s ALSO a vampire! This isn’t explored much in the Across the Spider-Verse film, but we do see why Miguel is so dark and brooding, with the reveal that Miguel discovered a world where he’d died and his family still existed, so he took the place of his alternate reality self, leading to an anomaly in Space time that