English Subtitles - Polskie Napisy - Svensk Text - Subtitulos en Español
Izabela is doing a reading to viewers’ questions. Is Gesara Nesara coming? If it comes will it be global or national? When? Will new tech phones - the Q phones be given to the people?
If you miss a specific language in the subtitles just mail me and I will add that language to the subtitle list. This I can only do to the videos that already have subtitles.
At the moment due to an overload of work I will have a pause in doing personal readings. In January I will come out with more information for those who would like to have a personal reading.
There will be an option to have a longer reading done through Skype or a 1-4 question reading where I can answer your questions with a text or a sound file Mp3 if that is what you would like to have.
Please do not send me any donations/ Ko-fi in advance since I can not promise that I will be able to do a reading on your questions.
When I respond to a mail regarding personal questions and a time for a reading is set then you can expect to get a reading done.
I have no price on the readings. Any donations or support to my channel are voluntary and only after you received a response or a reading from me.
No donations in advance.
When a reading is done in text/Mp3 or Skype and you feel the need to support my channel or make a donation then it is up to you if you feel, can or want to do a donation.
If you like to support my work there is only one way to donate:
Buy me a Ko-Fi :
If you like to have a question answered in a video or if you would like me to talk about a specific topic please mail me at : tarotbyizabela@
1 view
4 months ago 00:25:23 1
Essence of NESARA - 2024 Election Corruption starting
5 months ago 00:29:39 1
Essence of NESARA Part 6 - Those with and Without Debt
5 months ago 02:56:46 1
Change is on the Horizon - Dawn of the Golden Age (Full Version)