~【呪術廻戦】乙骨憂太と狗巻棘で「グッバイ宣言」【踊ってみた】 - Niconico Video sm38835691

* This video is cosplaying and dancing With Yuta Otobone and Thorns of Dog Maki in Jujutsu Kaisen “Goodbye Declaration“ I danced! Congratulations on making Volume 0 into a movie! !! ☆ Dance Yuta Otobone: Calendar (@coyocoyo_min) Komamaki Thorn: Yu * (@yuu_ast / mylist / 66845601) ☆ Shooting / Editing: couleur ゆう*@珀雅@藍追悠 06/04/2021 14:00 Views 450
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