Directed by B. Subhash, Disco Dancer revolves around Jimmy (Mithun Chakravarti), who entertained the streets of Bombay with his musical performances from boyhood. When he was badly beaten by the father of one of his female fans, Jimmy vows that vengeance will be his if he becomes the best disco dancer in India. Fifteen years later, Jimmy finds himself on the heels of Sam, the premier dancer of the time. Just as it looks that he will be taking Sam’s crown, a plot to kill him threatens to cramp his style, and Jimmy responds in the only way he knows how -- with disco. Disco Dancer features supporting performances from Rajesh Khanna, Kalpana Iyyar, and Om Puri. Tracie Cooper, Rovi Bollygoogly, Your one stop destination for all the latest happenings, hot rumors and exclusive B-Town news...
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2 weeks ago 02:42:17 7
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