Song: “Courage Of The Wind“ of pianist and composer David Lanz.
Albums of David Lanz where song can be found:
Beloved, A David Lanz Collection (1995),
Romantic The Ultimate David Lanz Collection 2CD (2002)
Albums can be found here:
The piano books and sheets:
David Lanz about the album Beloved:
“The process of selecting my most ’romantic’ music for this collection offered the perfect opportunity to reflect on just what qualities or elements I feel ’romance’ embodies. What immediately comes to mind is the special something two people experience when love is in the air. Beyond this though, romance is so much more - something many of us yearn for at a deeper soul level. When we look into the eyes of another, or when we view a breathtaking sunset, or we see the radiance in the face of an innocent child, what we really see is the reflection of soul... our beloved.“
Listen samples
-from the album Beloved here:
: A David Lanz
-from the album Romantic here:
: The Ultimate Narada
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1 view
5 months ago 02:38:47 1
🚨 DARUM die Bibel – Christen, wir müssen reden ...
5 months ago 00:14:29 2
Precht sagt Unfassbares: DAS tat Selenskyj wirklich!
6 months ago 00:01:33 1
BRISANT! Vor 10 Jahren konnte man das noch im ZDF sagen!