Kailash Mansarovar Yatra With Charansparsh 2021(Kailash Parvat travel information details)
The #Kailash #Mansarovar with #Charansparsh tour is the top-selling pilgrimage tour in #Tibet travel. Every year we have more than thousands of Hindu followers from the USA, Canada, England, Singapore, etc.
We are the local #Tibetantravelagency operating Indian pilgrimage people who hold a foreign passport either than an Indian passport.
Mt. Kailash and Lake Mansarovar have deep roots in Hindu mythology and are believed to be sacred. The clockwise circumambulation of Mt. Kailash’s 52km yatra is believed to bring purity in one life and the destination for many Hindus for pilgrimage. This special pilgrimage itinerary to Kailash includes the Charansparsh – to touch the north face of Kailash.
The Kailash Mansarovar tour begins from Lhasa with two days in the city for acclimatizing with sightseeing. The tour includes visits to cultural heritage sites such as the Potala Palace, Norbulingka Palace, and some other monasteries. The tour then travels westward to Saga to reach the holy lake Mansarov