Spring Loaded Self Setting Fishing Hooks?

I am testing this crazy self-setting fishing hook I found on Amazon. Self-setting products are always cool to use, and I wanted to see if this hook was even worth using. Will it work as well as the self-setting fishing rods I’ve tested in the past? Let’s find out! Have any of you used a self-setting hook before? How did you use it? Did it work for you? We are still quarantined in Maryland, so we are catching fish we love to catch and cook. Perch is one of my favorite fishes to eat. I’m trying to catch enough to stock up on and preserve the meat (which is fresher and more sustainable than buying meat from the store). **When you are going fishing during this pandemic, please make sure you follow state laws and social distancing guidelines. This does not mean “We can meet up to go fishing as long as we stay 6 feet away from each other.” Social distancing means that you should not be in the same vicinity as people who do not live in your household unless absolutely necessary (like when b
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