NASA’s Newly Released Images Of MARS #27 (2024)

#mars #space #science #nasa #perseverance #curiosity Planet Mars has always inspired human fantasy. It is one of our two close neighbor planets, and it exhibits similarities to Earth. From the Earth, Mars is easily seen in the night sky as a red point of light. It slowly drifts against the background stars, changing the constellation it can be found in from month to month and taking around two years to return to the same part of the sky. Seen through a telescope Mars appears as a small reddish disk on whose surface, dark markings can (with difficulty) be seen. One of its polar caps may also be visible. However, even with large telescopes it is very difficult to see details, and many experienced observers were deceived into thinking that they had glimpsed features, such as the infamous canals, that in fact were not there. Almost all that we know about the surface of Mars and its atmosphere has been discovered by the various space probes that have orbited the planet and landed on its surface. In this video, you will see some of the spectacular images sent by the spacecrafts and rovers currently orbiting and roaming on Mars. Credits: NASA/JPL-Caltech
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