We would like to invite all of our Sahaj family to join us in a Puja in praise of the Divine Creator of all the Arts on Sunday 26th September 2021 at 5pm (CET) from Cabella in a Livestream broadcast. The Puja will be offered by a small group on behalf of all artists at Our Divine Guru Shri Mataji’s lotus feet in Her aspect of Shri MahaSaraswati with our utmost gratitude for Her creation of Theatre of Eternal Values and for Her blessings and enlightenment of all the arts and artists. “When you live in the MahaSaraswati tattwa you start seeing in your daily life that you are the Whole, and we are one. So when an artist creates he makes some such things that one accepts from the heart. All the works that we do of Saraswati should be dedicated and surrendered to the Divine. If this happens then all such works will be immortal. All poems, music, songs, art forms which were offered in the name of God are still living today.“ Mataji Nirmala Devi, Shri MahaSaraswati Puja, Calcutta, India,
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