Half-Open Stairs? I Build My First Straight Staircase in 15 years [Season 3 - Part 10]
I haven’t built 14 straight stairs to the second floor in a while. This is the first time a plaster riser has been used instead of solid wood.
It will be challenging work for the plasterer.
【Next Video】
Suspension Bridge on a Stairwell!? A Gorgeous Catwalk is Now Built! [Season 3 – Part 11]
【Last Video】
A 4m Study Desk on the Stairwell Creates Dynamic Space! [Season 3 – Part 9]
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→ carpentershoyan@
I’m Shoyan, a Japanese carpenter.
I’ve been working as a carpenter for 50 years.
I also have licenses of architect and technician.
I’d like to show you my work, knowledge, etc. regarding Japanese carpenter.
I hope you enjoy my video!
→Mug 2 Lane
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#DIYwoodworking #JapaneseArchitecture #Architecture #Staircase #Stairs