STRESA. LAKE MAGGIORE. Where does the Italian aristocracy live? Travel tour 4k ASMR

This is perhaps the most famous city of the lake. The American writer Ernest Hemingway was so imbued with these places that he placed some scenes of the novel A Farewell to Arms here. And he wrote part of the book at the Grand Hotel Des Iles Borromées in Stresa. SOCIALS: ☆ Instagram: @ ☆ Telegram: ☆ TikTok: BUSINESS E-Mail merlante86@ PLEASE SUPPORT MY CHANNEL PayPal : merlante86@ /FAQ/ - What is my name? My name is Yuliya - Where am I from? I’m from Ukraine, currently living in Vigevano, Italy - What am I doing in Italy? I work in Milan like a Front-End Developer, creating videos for my YouTube channel and for my Instagram @ - What do I use to shoot my videos? I shoot with a Canon80d camera and an iPhone 13 Pro Max. Editing video in Adobe Premiere Pro PLEASE DON’T FORGE
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