ThundHERstruck-You Shook Me All Night Long

Bio By She Rox All Female Bands:California based ThundeHerStruck have proven that a tribute band can be a commodity more so then just a novelity as some may think, this AC/DC female tribute band began in 2004 and is only rivaled in length of their career by one other all female tribute band, an accomplishment in itself, the women of ThundHerStruck, have gained a huge following along with numerous and various awards for their high energy,full on rock show that would make even a die hard AC/DC fan proud. Composed of seasoned professional players, lead guitarist Tina Wood formerly of No Shame, and Phantom Blue, along with drummer Stephanie Leigh also of No Shame, vocalist Dyna Shirasaki of Sister Strange as well Phantom Blue,and bassist Andrea Zermeno also plays with the highly accomplished Kiss tribute band “Priss“ ,just to mention a few for each member only solidifies the amount of skill and expertise each member brings. ThundHerStruck released one full length album in 2006, “You’ve Been ThundHERstruck“ a front to back collection of AC/DC gems that could easily require a second listen to convince the listener this was not an actual AC/DC recording. ThundHerStruck still plays current day and has traveled all over the world as well, the line up remained in tact for over ten years, yet another accomplishment for any band original or tribute, it would not be until recent that guitarist Carin Toti, who also plays in the Motley Crue tribute band, “Motley’s Crue“ that would see a line up change with Diana Widegren filling in on guitar. Stephanie Leigh-Drums,Andrea Zermeno-Bass,Carin Toti-Guitar,Tina Wood-Guitar,Dyna Shirasaki-Vocals like us at
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