Carinetta Sataness — 5 Buddiez 4 Bluez

The story is that my heart is a broken rusty fuel pump. I’m wandering the world alone and I can’t find the right key to fix my pump. It turned out that the very key was a treble clef, because music is my blood. I’d like to find only five buddies who can help me play all this shit... Stop motion animation: Anastasia Rodina The workshop (and my native benches where I repaired iron hearts): GlobalDiesel Mixing of the track and live instrument: Nikolay Samarin () and Vladimir Dimov Sexy 6 dicks in the frame: Ivan Philippov, Rinar Gilaev, Aidar Akhmetov, Vlad Voynov, Dima Nikolaev and Armen Dashtoyan! ROCK U ALL!! 💋 #hardrock #grunge #garage #carservice #dieselservice #glam #noir #animation #stopmotion #photography #автосервис #топливныйцех #стопмоушн #стопмоушнанимация
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