Fight Demo / Jamie Hegland

Jamie is an actor and aspiring stunt performer who came to me looking to up his fight game. He brought some extensive movement and aerial experience to the mix, as well as a wish list of skills that he wanted to feature, which allowed us to push the complexity of the fight sequences further than any of my previous Actor fight demos. Jamie is an incredibly driven guy with a great attitude and he brought it hard during our 6-hour shoot. Big thanks to the Dylan/Dillon team for letting him beat the crap out of them. . Filmed in February 2020, before the COVID-19 apocalypse. . PERFORMERS: Jamie He...gland Dylan Rampulla Dillon Jagersky . DIRECTOR/FIGHT COORDINATOR/CAMERA/EDITOR: Tyler Williams . BlackMagic Ursa Mini / Sigma 18-35mm, Canon 50mm . MUSIC: Nightstop “Beast Within“ . Special thanks Play Project for the space rental. . . . #fitness #fight #fighting #fightchoreography #fightscene #fightpractice #demoreel #showreel #selfpromotion
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