Khazaria and the Forgotten Christian-Jewish-Muslim-Confucian Alliance

Today’s age of imperial geopolitics has made it difficult for many people to appreciate the cooperative traditions in history that gave rise to the great discoveries and progress of humanity’s experience. From the ancient Silk Road uniting the east with the west in trade and cultural exchange for hundreds of years to the 7-9th century alliance of Christian, Jewish, Muslim civilisations, history has proven that humanity is much more than a Hobbesian animal- perpetually prejudiced to others, intolerant to differences and greedily “looking out for number one“. Although this mis-anthropic view of human nature has been carefully amplified by generations of imperial gatekeepers of history, philosophy, anthropology and sociology, the fact is that it is no more true than the theory that the earth is flat. Both theories (ie: “flat earth“ and “Hobbesian beast-man“) both have the effect of crippling the powers of creative reason in the minds of its adherents, undermi
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