Zio Fight 10-10 with low end gear. A step by step walk-though for Episode 4 Chapter 10 Heaven’s Eye

Mannnn - they updated it so you now CAN go back and fight it with the same conditions. (Sigh) 0:00 Intro and units sourcing 1:33 Units and Gearing 3:33 Fight #1 (fail due to not enough damage) 4:44 Fight #2 (fail due to not enough debuffs) 5:43 Fight #3 (Successful Clear) Tech: Sigret: Get her from the hunt challenge. Stack the most damage you can on her. Adventurer Ras: Get him from his specialty change. He is just there to tank hits. Iseria: Get her and her artifact from her banner which you unlock doing side stories. Auxiliary Lots: Hope you have him. If not, jump in discord and as ...for people to rep aLots as a friend unit and speed tune it to your iseria speed and use this friend unit as your 4th unit. ~~~GUILD~~~ Tired of falling short on Epic Seven rewards? Wanna be part of a stronger family? Whether starting out, casual play, or looking for something competitive we probably have a guild for you. Baka 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 69, EU, and Emerald guilds may have a spot. We also recruit for several reliable and active guilds from early to end game across Global, EU, and Asia Servers. So jump into my discord with this link: check our guild recruitment hall or drop me a DM and I will hook you up with one of the Recruiters.
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