그룹 BTS ( 방탄소년단) 뷔(V/태형)가 17일 오후 서울 종로구 ’한국가구박물관’에서 진행된 ’유 퀴즈 온 더 블럭’ 녹화를 마치고 퇴근하고 있다. [서울=RNX뉴스] 김용덕 기자
BTS V is leaving work after finishing the recording of “You Quiz on the Block“ held at the “Korean Furniture Museum“ in Jongno-gu, Seoul on the afternoon of March 17.
El 17 por la tarde, V está saliendo del trabajo después de la grabación de ’Youth Youn The Block’ en Jongno-gu, Seúl.
BTS V quitte le travail après avoir terminé l’enregistrement de “You Quiz on the Block“ tenu au “Korean Furniture Museum“ à Jongno-gu, Séoul l’après-midi du 17 mars.
BTS V geht nach der Aufnahme von “Yu quiz on the block“ am 17. Nachmittag im “Hangu Museum“ in Jongno-gu, Seoul, nach Hause.
17 июля 2012 года, Чонногу, Чонногу, зак
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