本日誕生日【ハガネ】ココロ 踊ってみた 定点ver.【アレンジ+オリジナル振付】 - Niconico Video sm39153350
“Today August 9! ! I turned my birthday! !
This video is a fixed point ver.
Upcut : //? V = PV_AUUNAWQ
The third birthday for the first time of the dance hand! ! !
As the costume was a Japanese style of Asami Shimoda
Lyin-chan color, I was a yellow yukata that is also a hagine’s Imkara!
I’m waiting for a comment!
How nice! The words of thanks to be able to see my favorite ○ ○!
Please push it
Music main family: sm2500648
Choradage reference videos: https: //? V = 6x1JNMHCAFS
Arrange original 振.
Shooting / editing: MIT.
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♢ ♢ ♢ ♢ ♢ ♢ ♢
I tried to dance Sil Vu President
08/09/2021 13:00