Ánima Kalimba - DRAMA Ambient Experimental Music Tape loop TASCAM Portastudio 414
DRAMA Ambient Experimental Music Tape loop
TASCAN Portastudio 414 Delay xvive Maxverb xvive - Ghost Kalimba Duck Water clouds.
This only for fun, i am a newbee, Repect to the real ambient musis artists.
Some Examples of real musicians:
@PerryFrank @amuletsmusic @AmbientExploration @bobisbobbing @Hainbach
#vaporwave #dramamusic #tapeloop
#portastudio414 #ambientmusic
1 year ago 00:13:23 17
Ánima Kalimba - DRAMA Ambient Experimental Music Tape loop TASCAM Portastudio 414
8 years ago 00:02:49 2
[VSTi] Qualidea Code - Canaria’s Song (Can with tomato paste test)