Watercolor Wonderland: My Latest Supplies Haul

*** OPEN FOR MORE INFO*** #watercolor #artistsofyoutube #art #mixedmedia #iritlandgrafart #intuitivewatercolor #artsupplies #artsupplyhaul #holbein #watercolorpalette In this latest watercolor supplies haul, I found some incredible products from Holbein. Holbein has been one of my favorite brands for years. One of the best things about Holbein is that they mostly name their colors the same across product lines. So if you love their pencil in Ice Green, you can find it in acryla gouache form, oil pastel etc. I got these supplies at Peter’s Art in Berlin- Get your Watercolor Mixing E-Book Here! Printables- Get My Watercolor Book- Watercolor Freedom! paperback- Amazon US- Amazon Germany- Amazon UK- E-Book- E-Book on Amazon- Sign up for my
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