Today I am going to share with you Uber & Ola clones admin panel.
We have a product available on play store under the name of BR Taxi ( ). It has both a Driver Application and the Rider Application. To operate both we have developed a Taxi app admin panel in PHP 5.6.
#TaxiAppDemo #UberTaxiClone #OlaCloneApp
To access the admin panel add credentials and it will show all the required options to you.
Dashboard: - Dashboard will show you the complete Rider, driver, approved and unapproved driver information.
Admin User Management: - This option gives you the opportunity to add sub admin, who can manage another city with the limited access. It allows the sub-admin to manage Rider, Driver, Vehicle, Booking, Fare, Outstation Fare and other management.
Make Management: - Allows you to add the manufacturing company name of the car we use.
Model Management: - It allows you to add the company name with the model of the cars we use.
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