Bringing Anti-gravity & Quantum Healing technology to the World

In 2021, Dave Rossi began receiving information downloads after an extraterrestrial contact experience that activated advanced mental abilities to understand and develop complex mathematical equations. He suddenly understood the scientific principles behind a range of exotic technologies which he was able to envisage or was exposed to. Rossi’s surprising new abilities came to the attention of top scientists working on advanced technology projects who sought assistance with problems they were encountering. He has since been working with several scientists and investors to solve problems in classified programs, and is simultaneously developing advanced technologies that can be released into the public sector. Rossi recently applied for several patents, two of which he shared with Dr. Michael Salla concerning antigravity and quantum healing inventions. In this Exopolitics Today interview, Rossi explains the principles behind the antigravity and quantum technologies he is developing and the timetable for r
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