(Hydrochaeris hydrochaeris)
It is the largest rodent that exists, reaching a length of and a height of 50 cm. It weighs more than 60 Kg. Gestation: 5 months, longevity: 5 to 10 years.
Food: Herbs, aquatic plants, bark of young trees, corn. rice, and sugar cane among others.
Behavior: He lives in family groups, he is sedentary, he is an excellent swimmer, he always lives in the undergrowth, he is quite peaceful and calm.
Habitat: Shores of lakes, rivers and swamps.
Distribution: South America, east of the üiro
(Hydrochaeris hydrochaeris)
Es el roedor de mayor tamaño que existe, llegando a medir 1,20 de largo y 50 cm de alzada. Pesa mas de 60 Kg. Gestación : 5 meses, longevidad: 5 a 10 años.
Alimentación: Hierbas, plantas acuática cortezas de árboles jóvenes, maíz. arroz, y caña de azúcar entre otros.
Comportamiento: Vive en grupos familiares es de vida sedentaria, es un excelente