Sex chromosomes and sex determining mechanisms in birds

Do male or female birds determine gender? In a ZW female embryo, the single copy of DMRT1 permits the gonad to develop into an ovary, which makes estrogen and other related hormones; a female bird results. This kind of sex determination is known as “gene dosage”. It’s the difference in the number of sex genes that determines sex. #genetics #ZWSexDeterminationInBirds #embrio #biology #NikolaysGeneticsLessons #ZZZWSystem #inheritance #sperm #SexLinkedTraitsInBirdGenetics #Autosomal #phenotype #gene #Cancer #sexlinkedTraits #sexChromosomes #ZChromosome #GeneticsLecture #ovum #sexDetermination #birdsGenetics #ZWSexdeterminationSystem #XYSexdeterminationSystem #hen #rooster #heterogametic #homogametic #ZZ #ZW #chromosome #Allele #ZZSEXDETERMINATION #GenderDetermination
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