Deathstars Last Ammunition Killzone Helghan Empire Tribute

“ My Duty To The Emperor, My Life For Helghan.“ —Helghast Soldier’s Oath Of Allegiance The Helghan Empire was the totalitarian governing body on planet Helghan, ruling over the Helghast people. The founder and first ruler of the Empire was Autarch Scolar Visari. The Empire was the instigator of the Second Extrasolar War in which they attempted to conquer the entire Alpha Centauri system and expanding its domination over Earth’s colonies. They failed to achieve their goals and leading to ISA retaliation which resulted in the death of Visari and a volatile power struggle amongst the Helghast leadership. Ultimately, the Empire was utterly decimated in the planet-wide devastation, the Terracide, in 2360. The survivors of planet Helghan were granted refuge on Vekta where they found New Helghan, the official successor state of the Empire. Those that remained on Helghan were secretly united under Jorhan Stahl; seeking to rebuild their Empire and swearing revenge on their enemies
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