Plato All the Way Down: Solving Biblical Mysteries with Russell Gmirkin

What happens when you combine the investigative mentation of Sherlock Holmes with the adventurous spirit Indiana Jones? Join MindMatters today as we find out! We are joined by solver of mysteries and detective of antiquities Russell Gmirkin, author of two groundbreaking books on the composition of the Old Testament, and another soon to be published. In his first book, Russell boldly argued that the Old Testament is a Hellenistic book, composed in the early third century BC. In his second, he showed the reliance of the biblical laws on Plato’s. His next, titled ’Plato’s Timaeus and the Biblical Creation Accounts: Cosmic Monotheism and Terrestrial Polytheism in the Primordial History’, will show the reliance of the Genesis creation accounts on Timaeus and Critias. Join us as we talk about all these topics, plus forays into Russell’s academic papers on the Dead Sea Scrolls, the historical basis for King Solomon, the roots of Western civilization, and what it was like to be the son of
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