Subspecies (1991) follows three college students, Mara, Michelle, and Lillian, as they begin a study on Romanian culture and superstition in the small town Prejmer. They are befriended by Stefan, a student studying nocturnal animals. It is revealed that the nearby Castle Vladislas has been caught in a power struggle between vampire brothers Stefan and Radu. Centuries prior, King Vladislas was seduced and cursed by a sorceress who eventually gave birth to Radu. After banishing Radu’s mother, the king met a mortal woman. She gave birth to Stefan, who prefers to live in the open, and loathes his vampire heritage. To gain control over the Bloodstone, a relic that is said to drip the blood of the saints, Radu kills his father. In an effort to hurt his brother, Radu turns Mara and Lillian into vampires. Stefan, having fallen in love with Michelle, helps her try and free Mara and Lillian from Radu’s control. Stefan drives a stake through Radu’s heart and severs his head with a sword, killing Radu. Unfortunately for Stefan, Radu bites Michelle before his brother can kill him and mingles his blood with hers, which forces Stefan to turn Michelle with his own blood in order to keep her from becoming like Radu. As Stefan and Michelle sleep, Radu’s minions set about resurrecting their master
1 view
3 months ago 00:01:17 1
Подвиды (Subspecies) 1991, трейлер
11 months ago 01:23:07 10
Subspecies (1991)The Night Has Fangs
2 years ago 01:23:06 3.3K
Subspecies 1991 / Подвиды HD 1080 (rus)
4 years ago 00:30:57 2
Dr. Doron Sher - ’Artificial Sweeteners’
5 years ago 00:09:57 1
Subspecies I. VideoZone (Behind The Scenes) |RU|
9 years ago 00:09:56 9
Subspecies I. VideoZone (Behind The Scenes) [EN]
9 years ago 00:01:19 13
Subspecies I (first trailer with subspecies-creatures stunt) [EN]