Felix Draeseke - Romanze for Horn and Piano,

Horn - Hervé Joulain Piano - Oliver Triendl Felix August Bernhard Draeseke was a composer of the “New German School“ admiring Liszt and Richard Wagner. He wrote compositions in most forms including eight operas and stage works, four symphonies, and much vocal and chamber music. During his life, and the period shortly following his death, the music of Draeseke was held in high regard, even among his musical opponents. His compositions were performed frequently in Germany by the leading artists of the day, including Hans von Bülow, Arthur Nikisch, Fritz Reiner, and Karl Böhm. However, as von Bülow once remarked to him, he was a “harte Nuß“ (“a hard nut to crack“) and despite the quality of his works, he would “never be popular among the ordinary“. Draeseke could be sharply critical and this sometimes led to strained relations, the most notorious instance being with Richard Strauss, when Draeseke attacked Strauss’s Salome in his 1905 pamp
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