How old are you? 你几岁? (nǐ jǐ suì) by Groovi Pauli & Friends (2009))

The music video to this song, “How old are you?“ 你几岁? (nǐ jǐ suì) is by Groovi Pauli & Friends from their album, “Chinese Songs for Kids“ (2009). It is written in a bilingual style with Chinese phrases, followed by English translation. The target audience of this song/music video is children aged 5-8, but hey - anyone can follow along! It is to a reggae beat. The lyrics are below: 你几岁? (nǐ jǐ suì) How old are you? 你上几年级?(nǐ shàng jǐ nián jí) What grade are you in? 你长大。(nǐ zhǎng dà=You
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