Pope Francis meets with Iraq’s Grand Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani | DW News

On the second day of his trip to Iraq, Pope Francis has held talks with the country’s influential Shia Muslim cleric, the Grand Ayatollah Ali Sistani. The historic meeting took place at Sistani’s home in the holy city of Najaf. No press were allowed inside for the talks, but a few white doves were released as the Pope entered – underscoring his message of peaceful co-existence between Muslims and Christians in Iraq. The Christian community there has dwindled after years of war and persecution. Those that remain hope a show of solidarity from Sistani could help secure their place in Iraq. The meeting was months in the making. Every detail, carefully planned. After a photo op, the two men spoke privately for 40 minutes. The ayatollah reportedly telling the pope he also believes Christians should be able to live in peace in Iraq and enjoy the same rights as other Iraqis. It’s a powerful statement from Sistani, who rarely makes his opinions known. When he does, Shi’ites in Iraq and around t
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