Adding IoT to a Smoke/CO Detector with ESP32! (trigBoard) with 3 wires!

One of my favorite projects here - trigBoard started with giving peace of mind that windows/doors are all monitored, then catastrophic events like flooding with the water sensor. This was the next project on the list for trigBoard and it was maybe the easiest with this off-the-shelf smoke/CO detector. Just three wires! NOTE - DO NOT DO THIS ON YOUR PRIMARY SMOKE DETECTOR! You are making modifications yourself and this could render the detector inoperable. Only for supplementing existing systems. I’m going to add these all over as well as for my 3D printer, so I’m not so nervous leaving that thing running when I have to leave the house. Project page is here with everything you need: Amazon produce page for same detector I’m using: =ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o00_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 Tindie link to trigBoard:
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