Plandemic Series Part 1: Rockefellers Big Pharma

Summary • This documentary movie was seen by over one billion people worldwide • The Rockefeller family suppressed natural medicine (NATUROPATHIC medicine) to found big pharmaceutical companies (ALLOPATHIC medicine) • John D. Rockefeller, by the start of the 20th century, had 90% control over oil refineries in the United States with his company Standard Oil. In 1900, A Turning Point Came On Realization Pharmaceutical Drugs Could Come From Oil. • Petrochemicals were PATENTED • Flexner Report Led To NATUROPATHIC Medicine Practitioners Jailed • The report stated that a revamp was needed along with the CENTRALIZATION of medical institutions. • Cures for Illnesses Such As Cancer Would Be Bad For Rockefeller’s Business • John D. Rockefeller was behind the establishment of the American Cancer Society in 1913. • 100 years later and medical colleges produce mostly ALLOPATHIC doctors who do not know anything about NATUROPATHIC practices or the many benefits that herbs have to offer. --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- Questions • If someone controls 90% of oil refineries in the United States, is this a monopoly? • Who financed Flexner Report published in 1910? ___• ___• :// • As you know, the Flexner Report recommended centralizing the medical institutions. Which one is really best for you the hardworking citizens, DECENTRALIZED medical institutions or CENTRALIZED medical institutions? • What is the difference between a NATUROPATHIC doctor and an ALLOPATHIC doctor? • Did the Flexner Report call NATUROPATHIC doctors crazies (qaks)? • Are some people in the Rockefeller family and big pharmaceutical companies they control behaving like bullies? Targeting ALLOPATHIC medicine and ALLOPATHIC doctors? --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- Attribution ___• ___• :// Show your support directly to the author of this video at Watch or download the full movie for free at: ___• ___• :// Contact the author at info@ --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- Fair Use Disclaimer Find --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- Blog Disclaimer Find --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- Blog Number IDU_20230415_115156
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