Cantigas Deus Madres

Date: September 24, 2014 Uploaded by Jim Gold. Jim Gold is a folk dance teacher and president of Jim Gold International Folk Tours. Visit Cantiga Deus Madre. . . Spain Dance Meaning: Songs of Saint Mary, Cantiga 322. Mother God. Name: A Virgen, que de Deus Madre: in Gallico-Portuguese language from medieval Spain. Source: Created from 13th century music: Cantigas de Santa Maria, Cantiga 322. Folk dance steps from northern Spain. Music: Sendebar: Medieval Music of the Mediterranean Choreography: By Jim Gold using traditional steps from medieval Spain. Formation: Open circle Mood/Style: Basic creepy: haunting, ghostly, spirits hovering. Meter: 4/4 Introduction: slow intro. Then 16 measures of music Measures First Step: 1 Face rt (LOD): Step R(ct 1), step L(ct 2), Face ctr: Step R(ct3), bring L behind R(ct &), Step R in place(ct 4), stamp L next to R(ct &) 2 Step L(ct 1), tch R toe straight fwd(ct&), st
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